
Thursday, April 21, 2011

Spring De-cluttering. Blech.

Every year it's the same; I swear to myself up and down that *this* year I will get rid of stuff.  Inevitably, I end up making a bigger mess as I deconstruct decor that I no longer want/need/have room for, thinking, somehow, that broken down into its components, those planter marble thingies and the leftover Styrofoam that held the flowers will come in handy.  And voila!  What was once one item cluttering my house is now five.

This unfortunately is a process that repeats itself until I find myself mired in good intentions.  But I am getting better.  Hard as it might be, I am trying to be honest.  Really, will I use that small marble of florist putty ever again?  Ok, when?  No idea?  Trash Can!

How about that dress that, while I am glad I can still squish into, went out of style over a decade ago and makes me look like a overstuffed chorizo (sausage).  *shakes tiny fist*  Into the trash!

What further steels my conviction is slowly discovering stuff at the back of closets that I saved for those "just in case" moments.  Invariably, after the cruel passage of time, all my horded items are now either moth-nommed, hard as a rock, dried out or otherwise utter garbage.  At least time made those decisions for me.  Now to keep myself from trying to salvage what was left of that wool blazer so I can eventually (*ahem* NEVER) make a small bag (even though it's not like I need ANOTHER bag)...


This new outlook I am trying has also inspired me.  Instead of waiting until I actually have the ambition to do the craft correctly, I just dive in.  If it turns out well, great.  If not *evil laugh* it is way easier to toss it in the trash.  Self-sabotage!

Finally, I am contemplating actually putting together a garage sale.  It seems rather daunting, but at this point, my usable surplus is piling up.  In the end, I guess I can reason that if no one else finds it good enough to drop a buck or so, why am I bothering to hold onto it?

If you have any decluttering tips (or can commiserate with my misery), I would love to hear it.  Though I have made some headway in my resolution to be less cluttered, this has always been a challenge for me.

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